The “Consorzio dei Mascherai Alpini” (en. Association of Alpine Wooden Mask Craftsmen) was founded in 2002 by a group of carnival wooden masks craftsmen from various alpine towns in the North-East of Italy.
The association is a non-profit association, but identifies itself in a shared “manifesto” promoting the tradition of carnivals on the Alps and the wooden mask. Our members are deeply aware of the cultural value of their works and enjoy meeting, confronting and enhancing their personal knowledge.
Every year, the wooden mask carvers meet in an international convention on sculpture , which takes place in July in one of the alpine towns where this tradition is still present.
At the moment there are 37 members from Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Switzerland, but our number is steadily increasing.
Do you want to learn more?
Visit our page “Events”, contact us, visit our social network pages or watch our presentation: